Purpose of Hall of Fame and Hall of Shame

The place to read about the ways in which women are empowered and degraded in our media and society.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hall of Shame - Amateur International Boxing Association

For the first time ever, women will be allowed to box in the 2012 Olympics, which is wonderful.  I wish I was writing a "Hall of Fame" post for this milestone.  But we can't celebrate because the Amateur International Boxing Association wants female boxers to wear skirts.  Really!?!  Wearing skirts to box...  

And the most ridiculous part is their reasoning.  They  are "asking female boxers to wear skirts because it will make the women easier to distinguish from the men."  Do we really need a skirt to distinguish men from women?  Isn't the sports bra and hair enough to tell that they are women.  Some advocates for the skirts wants female boxers to wear them because they are "elegant."  When I look at this picture, elegant is not the first word that comes to my mind.  

I see two strong and proud women.  Why can't we accept and celebrate their strength?  This is just sexism once again rearing its ugly head and forcing these women to conform to society's idea of femininity.  

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