Not only is she wearing a blonde wig, but they also used computers to lighten her skin. In this comparison you can see that she looks awfully white...

Does Rihanna really look more like Marilyn Monroe because her skin is lighter? That is a weak justification. This photoshop job only reinforces the beauty norm for women of color that those with lighter skin are more beautiful.
There is power in knowledge and we need to let the magazine publishers know our distaste for what they do to beautiful women. The only true way for them to feel the pressure is to stop supporting them with our money. I encourage everyone to take a look at what they purchase and decide who deserves your money (and no one can decide that besides you). For many years, I have subscribed to Cosmo and enjoyed reading it. But as I began thinking more about it, there were objectionable articles, advertisements, and awful photoshopped pictures. I have now decided to cancel my subscription. While one person may not make a difference, a group can. And a last thought for you, one of my favorite quotes, "Some things I cannot change, but till I try I'll never know" (Wicked).